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Three Pines Retreat 

I'm so excited you can join me in celebrating 10 years of The Healing Shack! Please select below to sign up and pay as noted! (Drum Circle is part of the Full Retreat)



Root Sponsorship: $100
Support of overall mission of Three Pines Retreat facilitators, supplies, food, supportive pricing for those who need it. Includes: Logo on TShirts, Advertising on website (including logo & link) and social media highlight, as well as a TShirt and inclusion of promotional items in swag bag. 

Branches & Needles Sponsorship: $50
Support of overall mission of Three Pines Retreat facilitators, supplies, food, supportive pricing for those who need it. Includes: Name Listed on TShirts, Advertising on website (including logo & link) and social media highlight, and inclusion of promotional items in swag bag. 

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